About Us
Relisc Corporation was formed several years ago with the purpose of satisfying multiple technology needs that several Primary Medical Groups (PMG’s) in Puerto Rico were facing at the time.
The expertise and values that drive our business started back in 2002 when President and CEO, Julio Torres left IBM in New York and began to develop and implement technological solutions in one of the leading medical groups in the northern Puerto Rico area.
For more than 10 years, we have been successful in helping our clients with the management of monthly claims and capitation data from health insurance companies. Also, acting as a strategic intermediary between primary medical groups and health insurance companies.
The products and services provided by Relisc currently helps hundreds of users, including insurance companies, PMG’s administrators, and healthcare providers manage data relating to more than 750,000 lives.
Our Team
Our company is comprised of a team of professionals, including lawyers, engineers, accountants, health care professionals and insurance experts, whose primary motivation is providing top-notch solutions and tools to our clients and, most and foremost, being fully accountable to them.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide the highest quality and most cost effective technology consulting services and solutions to our clients, while retaining our independence criteria.
Our philosophy is constructed on three things:
- Cost-effectiveness: We are compromised with providing cost effective services and solutions to its clients. Our fees are task-related, not person-related. That means that our fees are proportional and tied to the complexity of the tasks involved and not to the qualifications and expertise of the people performing the tasks.
- Independence Criteria: We will not partner or enter into any commercial agreement with any third party that would have the effect of tarnishing the advice and services that we provide to our clients. Any economic benefit that we obtain from third parties will be directly passed on to our clients.
- Quality: We take quality very seriously. We will assure that our solutions and services are always provided by qualified team members. Our internal processes and safeguards allow us to provide our clients with the most high quality solutions and services in the market.